Contact & Book


155 Mariners Way
Haga Haga, East London, 5272

GPS Coordinates

-32° 45' 50.45"
+28° 14' 25.12"

Contact Us

T: +27 43 841 1670
F: +27 66 523 9124
M:+27 82 659 8881


PO Box 15
Haga Haga, East London, 5272

Driving Here

Drive 35km from East London on the N2 in the direction of Durban. Turn right down the R349 signposted Haga Haga. Travel for another 11km's along the tar road until you reach the signpost for Haga Haga. Turn right and you will then travel for another 13km's on a gravel road until you reach the hotel. Please note that you need to take it slow on our road. You do not need a 4x4 or SUV to drive here but we do advise taking it slow due to pot holes.


155 Mariners Way
Haga Haga, East London, 5272
+27 43 841 1670 / 082 659 8881

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